Quarter Mile Masthead

Quarter Mile Acceleration Elapsed Time and Terminal Speed
Car Weight:
Engine Horsepower:
Front Wheel Drive:   Rear Wheel Drive:  
Acceleration Calculator for the iPhone
Acceleration Calculator for the iPhone
  • Click Here! to purchase the Acceleration Calculator from the App Store. Only $.99!
  • Calculate the 1/4 mile time of any car
  • Input the stats for two cars and see which is faster
  • Front and Rear Wheel Drive
  • Determine how much horsepower it will take to achieve 1/4 mile acceleration goals


Quarter Mile Acceleration Elapsed Time and Terminal Speed Comparison

Weight, Car 1: lbs.
Horsepower, Car 1: hp.
Front Wheel Drive:  
Rear Wheel Drive:  
Weight, Car 2: lbs.
Horsepower, Car 2: hp.
Front Wheel Drive:  
Rear Wheel Drive:  

How Much Horsepower is Required to Achieve a Given Acceleration Time?

Car Weight in pounds:
Desired Quarter Mile
Acceleration Time (seconds):
Front Wheel Drive:   Rear Wheel Drive:  

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