I'm fairly new to detailing(8months) and i have used steel wool on the windows of some cars. I haven't had any problems, but i didn't know thier was a type of window that steel wool would scratch. I find alot of the info on this board very useful and could save me alot of time and trouble. Please don't stop posting your ideas here. Let's just not critisize each other asby Rodney - Auto Detailing: Secrets of the Experts
What travels faster "Hot" or "Cold" ? Hot does, you can catch a Cold! HaHa lol Rod(OH)by Rodney - Auto Detailing: Secrets of the Experts
Thanks for your replies. Where do i get Sprayway or Stoners invisible glass and where is Valugaurd? I wash the micro fiber towels i use in regular detergent by themselves. It seems like the towels cleaned better when they were new. How do you clean the surgical towels. Thanks, Rod(OH)by Rodney - Auto Detailing: Secrets of the Experts
Hi Everybody, I have been detailing cars for about 6 months now and still have not found a good way to clean the windows with out streaks. I have tried vinegar+water, ammonia+water, micro fiber towels, newspaper and various window cleaners. The water mix's are about 50/50. Any help would be appreciated. Thank You, Rod(OH)by Rodney - Auto Detailing: Secrets of the Experts