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New Car Prep From Dealer

Posted by Joe Yak 
New Car Prep From Dealer
February 28, 2002 12:28AM

As I have said in my previous notes, I am purchasing a new car. There are two things in which I feel I might be getting taken for a ride (no pun intended) by the dealership. Guys please give me your opinions on the following items.

1) VIN Etching - the dealership wants to charge me $169 to have all my windows etched. This etching also comes with a warranty that if my car is stolen and not recovered I will be reimbursed $2500.00 What do you Guys think? I see vin etching kits for $50

#2) Enviromental Protection - The dealership asked me if I want to pay $595.00 to have my car enviromentally protected. They go with products used by ECP Inc. (www.ecpinc.net) They call it ArmorGard or Protector. It really sounds like stuff I can do for a LOT less. They will "SEAL" the paint and the leather and keep it safe. Tell me what you guys think.

I think I can save you around $800.00 for all of your troubles of not even giving it a second thought.

First of all, if someone wants to steal your vehicle that bad, so let it be. I personally will not get in the way of a flying bullet that may land inside my chest cavity.

Second, that is why we pay the high insurance for such unwanted matters.

Third, My best friend did his own etching from a kit form. He also had the vehicle stolen months later to only find out that the police found only his windows outside a parking lot. All of the windows were left outside on the ground, but his vehicle was gone!
Fourth, you can simply purchase a ten dollar bottle of sealant or wax & still have the same protection as that phony $595.00 offer.

Make sure you keep your hands on your wallet while entering a dealership, you'll thank me later!
Re: New Car Prep From Dealer
February 28, 2002 04:37AM
I tend to believe that those ArmorGard dealer add-ons are BS. But even if they worked 100% then the problem is that you would never need to polish and buff your baby. What is the fun in that ? How can you stay truly close to your car if you aren't detailing it ? I know every little nick and defect in my car because I detail it and one by one I am fixing each.

It would be sad if they did come out with a product that completely eliminated the need to detail. Everyone is different but I have found that it feels good if I rub it every 3 days or so and if I go without for more than a week the smell of wax or leather drives me crazy.
Re: New Car Prep From Dealer
February 28, 2002 05:39AM
I second everything Todd just said!
Re: New Car Prep From Dealer
February 28, 2002 12:12PM
as a friend i have who is a salesman has told me, they make very little on the sale ,but make a whole lot on the add ons. i can buy the same product that is used in my area for $12 a bottle, the dealer gets $300 to $400 to wipe it on and call the paint sealed,i wish every car i did i made that profit!!!!

skip it!!
mike at the shine shop
Re: New Car Prep From Dealer
February 28, 2002 02:49PM
I have recently started to target new car owners explaining to them that I can do the same thing that dealers do for much less $$$$$$$. All people need is a little education.

Re: New Car Prep From Dealer
February 28, 2002 03:47PM
Around here, the big thing is to steal cars, take them into the country and set them on fire. I imagine the first thing that crosses the owner's minds when the tow truck brings their car back home is "Thank goodness I had the window etching done so they were able to find my car".

As far as the sealant goes, I agree with everyone else.
Re: New Car Prep From Dealer
February 28, 2002 04:36PM

Good News...I told them to stick their "Environmental Protection" and took the $595.00 and bought LOJACK. At least my insurance will go down. Thanks for all the input. It is good to get some honest feedback.
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