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Posted by ben smith 
January 08, 2004 05:58AM

Interesting info at ppg's website. Go to the link that says car enthusiast. It states info about not needing silcone or polymer based waxes on cars. Can anyone explain that? Look under ppg at google.

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Re: paints
January 08, 2004 08:13AM

Have not yet looked at the site but it is not surprising that a automotive paint company would say something like that because silicone on the surface of the car causes problems when you repaint it.

Maybe they know something that I do not know, but as far as I know, all waxes and paint sealants use either silicone fluids or amino functional silicones in them.

There may be some that don't I will have to check with my chemist.

This is why you cannot take as "gospel" what people say and what companies state about products, etc. You need to always ask "WHY?" Always question what some says or writes that is the way to learn and to insure yourself of getting the most accurate information.

A lot of things are said here on the forum that are inaccurate so it behoves one to question why someone says what they say or why they say what they say.

And YES, that goes for me too.

Bud Abraham</HTML>

Re: paints
January 09, 2004 02:12AM

Tried to email you directly and it was returned several times. Why is that?

bud Abraham</HTML>

Re: paints
January 09, 2004 02:43AM

Bud, It is smithsdetail@yahoo.com or call 707.523.2900 Please try to send the info again

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