Updating this website
February 10, 2006 09:48PM
<HTML>Hi again.
Just thought id spill some thoughts on this forum, that i like so much, because, its most of the time, a very informative, high educated, and has been very helpful to me, with special thoughts going to Concours, Bud, and Ron, and everyone else ofcourse..

I know, keeping up a website is a 100% full time job, and I appreciate what we have here, and would only like to voice my oppinion, on what may be some great improvements. As i kinda feel compared to many other forums, this one just has that 1980´s feeling...Not that the 80´s wasnt good,, just, weve been there, done that..LOL

My ideas would include.

Forum divided into subtopics, 3-4 max f.ex. (not too many like other forums, but a few)

1.questions about products, machinery, procedures, (GENERALLY ALL QUESTIONS)

2. Tips and Tricks (new ideas) announcements

3. Gallery "show your work" or your face,,(whatever..LOL)

Other changes

1 ability to edit post, at least within 1/2 hour

2.more up to date user friendly +design (2006)
where posts are easy to follow, read, and keep track of.

3 ability to use icons, avatars, post count, more info on users, private messages, and so on.

Even if there isnt any changes, Ill still stick around, because i do like it here, and im in at least a couple of times a day.
I do enjoy most peoples posts, and i kinda feel, a little like family..
So dont take my post as a HIT, just as a friendly oppinion,,.

If its needed that we all maybe help out to get it done,, I am sure I can put away a few hours a week, also..or even cash,, if thats needed to get it done.. If we all help out,, it wont be so heavy on just a few..

Re: Updating this website
February 10, 2006 11:40PM
<HTML>rsrtuning...I also love this forum and think it needs to be updated, but you should come over to another favourite site which is www.mobileworks.com.

Some very good discussion taking place over there...hope to see you soon</HTML>
<b>Re: Updating this website</b>
February 12, 2006 08:39AM

Thanks for the suggestions.

Regarding seperating the forum into 3-4 forums:
My concern is that we don't have enough traffic to make this change. Generally forums get reorganized along those lines when a topic becomes common and traffic is heavy. I see about an average of four or six posts a day. If different topics were offered, they might all topple from lack of participation.

Going with some new forum software that offers additional features is a good idea and one I've been thinking about. There is a possible downside, as new software would require everyone to re-register and some people might give up and no longer participate. That happened to a certain extent the last time I changed the software. But then if I changed it, the forum might look more attractive to others and traffic might go up.

What do others think? And thanks for participating and offering your comments.

Decisions, decisions.

No Surrender,

Paul Pollock
WebCars! Webmaster
Re: Updating this website
February 12, 2006 05:06PM
<HTML>The content on this forum is awsome.

I really don't like the way the forum is layed out.

I am getting my moneys worth though!</HTML>


Plays in the rain --- www.SuperiorShineDetailing.com
Re: Updating this website
February 12, 2006 06:05PM
<HTML>Dear Mr. Webmaster

I also love this forum but it has many drawbacks, and things I would like to see added.

In addition may I ask if you would lend your support to the PDTA which is the professional detailing Technicians Association, the idea was borne on this forum through discussions it would be certainly wonderful if you would encourgage professional affiliation. This could be in the form of a page or paragraph outlining the mission of the PDTA, application form and banner of the PDTA LOGO, where all can see. I know you might say well what is in it for me? quite frankly I do not think the PDTA has the monies to advertise but I THINK IT WOULD BE THE RIGHT THING TO DO SINCE MANY OF US WHO ARE MEMBERS HAVE REMAINED LOYAL TO YOUR FORUM AND CLICK AND USE YOUR ADVERTISERS. WE QUITE FRANKLY NEED YOUR SUPPORT.


Difficult to sign on from different computers which i do every day.

Cannot edit the post

I still like the idea of following the entire discussion thread and would not like that to change.

The forum needs a face lift and a section where (newbies) can ask a question and not clutter up the general section with nonsense

An opening statement which encourages people to do a search or a query before they ask the same redundant questions

Also we need the ability to copy a quote from any post and respond to it.

Thank you</HTML>
<b>Re: Updating this website</b>
February 12, 2006 08:21PM
<HTML>Thanks concoursgarage for the suggestions.

Sometime in the next few months I'll be re-evaluating the forum needs here at WebCars!. I'll either update the software we are currently using (Phorum.org) or go with something else. Most of what you are asking for will be covered by either change.

>> An opening statement which encourages people to do a search or a query before they ask the same redundant questions
A good idea, so I added a note at the beginning of the listing page.

Tell me more about the PDTA.


Paul Pollock
WebCars! Webmaster
Re: Updating this website
February 12, 2006 09:36PM
<HTML>Provisional By-Laws of the PDTA

Our Mission Statement
The Professional Detailing Technician&#146;s Association was founded for the benefit of the hard
working detailer. With the association&#146;s help, the detailer can have access to affordable
insurance programs and many benefits for greater success. The Professional Detailing
Technician&#146;s Association is in existence to add professionalism to the already stereo-typed
detailing industry in means of more extensive education and future certification for the
Article 1. - Location
Section 1 - The Professional Detailing Technician&#146;s Association shall designate and
continuously maintain a registered office in the State of New Jersey.
Section 2. The Professional Detailing Technician&#146;s Association may also have other offices
within and without the State of New Jersey at such places as the Board of Directors may
from time to time determine.
Section 3. The Professional Detailing Technician&#146;s Association shall designate and
continuously maintain a registered agent in the State of New Jersey at its registered office
unless relocated, which all members will be notified.
Article 2. - Board of Trustees
Section 1 - The Professional Detailing Technician&#146;s Association will have a Board of
Trustees consisting of: Chairman, President, Vice President, and Treasurer.
Section 2 - The Professional Detailing Technician&#146;s Association shall have additional
trustees on the Board, consisting of specialty areas -- such as Marketing; Training &
Technical Consulting, Public Relations, etc.
Section 3 - The Professional Detailing Technician&#146;s Association can appoint additional
members to the Board as they see fit and if the member will bring benefit to the association.
Section 4 - The Board of Trustees shall be reimbursed for out of pocket expenses pertaining
to the benefit of the association. The Chairman will give final approval of reimbursements
after seeing valid receipts.
Section 5 - The Professional Detailing Technician&#146;s Association will have elections every
three years to elect or re-elect Board of Trustee members.
Article 3. - Membership
Section 1 - The Professional Detailing Technician&#146;s Association will accept members of only
the detailing industry. These include: auto detailer (both fixed shop and mobile), boat
detailers, airplane detailers, dealership detailers, RV detailers, chemical manufacturers and
distributors, paint film installers, paint spotters, detailing training schools, detailing website
webmasters -- anyone involved in the detailing and reconditioning aspect of car care.
Section 2 - The Board of Directors may elect as an Honorary Member any person who or
entity which has made an exceptional contribution to the detailing industry and/or to the
Professional Detailing Technician&#146;s Association.
Section 3 - Each Regular Member shall be entitled to one vote on matters submitted to the
membership. No member shall have more than one vote.
Section 4 - All members shall be entitled to the benefits of membership in the Professional
Detailing Technician&#146;s Association, as prescribed by the Board of Directors. All rights,
privileges and benefits shall stop immediately upon termination of membership.
Section 5 - There shall be no refunds after joining the Professional Detailing Technician&#146;s
Association. Prospecting members are encouraged to browse the website and email any
questions you may have to the Chairman or President before joining.
Section 6 - The Board of Directors reserves the right, by a vote of two-thirds (2/3) of voting,
to expel any member for any inappropriate behavior (flaming on forums, degradation of
members, repeated customer complaints.) The offender will have the chance for explanation
to the Board. If found negligent, the offender will receive a membership termination letter
from the Chairman.
Section 7 - Membership in the Professional Detailing Technician&#146;s Association is not
transferable or assignable.
Article 4 - Membership Dues
Section 1 - The Professional Detailing Technician&#146;s Association will mandate a membership
charge of $75 for association membership. This price is subject to change with Board
approval. However, from time to time, the Board may prescribe procedures for extending the
time of payment of dues and continuation of membership upon request of a member and for
good cause shown.
Section 2 - Membership dues are due 365 (1 year) after initial membership enrollment.
Article 5 - Meetings
Section 1 - The Board of Directors shall hold at least two regular meetings each year at
such time and place as determined by the Board of Directors. These meeting can be in
person, phone conference, video conference call, or via the Internet.
Section 2 - Special Meetings by the Board of Directors may be called by the Chairman,
President or by a majority of the Trustees.
Section 3 - Notice of regular or special meetings of the Board of Directors shall be given at
least fifteen days in advance. A written notice via postal mail or email will specify the date,
time and place but not purpose (unless the purpose is to remove a Director, then such
notice must be given) to each Director.
Section 4- Informational meetings or social events: The Association may sponsor a variety of
meetings and events designed to provide educational, recreational, or social opportunities
for its members. It may also sponsor fund-raising activities. If business is to be conducted at
such events, the notice requirement for special meetings must be met.
Section 5 &#150; All minutes of the meetings shall be recorded and kept in accordance with New
Jersey Statutes. Copies of minutes of each meeting shall be made available to association
members upon request after board review.
Article 6 &#150; Finances
Section 1 &#150; The finances of the association are open and available to all it’s members, and
will be disclosed within 5 days upon receipt of a written request.
Section 2 - All proposals for expenditures will be submitted to the board for review and
Section 3 - No member of the board of trustees or the executive directors shall be paid a
salary, although they may be reimbursed for reasonable out of pocket expenses upon
production of a receipt and review by the other members of the board. The Board may
authorize officers, directors, and committee members to be paid actual and necessary
expenses incurred while on Association business.
Section 4 - An independent auditor shall audit the finances of the association at the end of
each fiscal year, the results of this audit will be provided to all paying members. The
records and accounts of the Association shall be maintained on a calendar year basis.
Section 5 - All finances of the association shall be kept separate from the personal finances
of its board. The association maintains a separate bank account in Hamilton New Jersey; the
financial resources of the association shall not be used for personal purposes.
Section 6 &#150; Bank account: Funds of the Association shall be promptly deposited at a
financial institution designated by the Board of Directors. The association currently has a
Verified PayPal account, and maintains a Bank Account with the Roma Bank.</HTML>
Re: Updating this website
February 12, 2006 09:38PM
PDTA Member Benefits

1. The purpose of any association is to collaborate a group of individuals belonging
to a certain trade to simplify their lives, business and path for success. By joining an
association, networking with your colleagues and peers you can influence the way
you conduct business and enhance your craft by learning new skills and techniques
needed for the job. An association also shows great signs of professionalism and
commitment to your business practice. In turn, this gives your customer peace of
2. Ability to take advantage of our supplier's discounts with buyers groups. PDTA
members receive extra special discounts and saving from our suppliers and vendors,
such as Winners Circle Detailing Products, Automotive International, Detail Plus
and Attention to Details , and if you join now, you receive a Complete Car Care Kit
from Stoner's worth $49.95.
3. Member access to the Technical Service Bulletins: Only dealers and
manufacturers see these. We currently have DOZENS of OEM TSBs in our library
relating to vehicle finish conditions and correct repair procedures. We have also
established a working relationship with the University Of Illinois Automotive
Technology Department and Automotive International. Many of these graduates go
on to work for the major OEM's. We have also developed relationships with the
Tier 1 suppliers to the OEM's and get regular updates on new technologies, such as
paint films and interior surfaces, being used in modern cars. Our Tech Tips section
is also regularly updated with information provided to us by the OEM's, Chemical
Manufacturers, and other trusted sources within the industry.
4. Networking opportunities with your peers: We are planning several PDTA
member only events around the country where members can network together . We
are planning a Detailers Round Table for each Mobile Tech Expo, plus some social
events for the evenings.
5. Detailing industry news: (OSHA watch, EPA watch, newsletters, etc.) delivered to
you via email. We monitor both the EPA and OSHA databases to identify current
trends in their activities. The lessons learned from these OSHA visits are then
shared among our membership to reduce their own risk of being fined by OSHA
and the EPA.
6. Benefits: While our full benefit package near complete, we are offering discounts
through Creditel (mobile credit card machines) , Mobile Detailers insurance
through Allied Insurance Brokers, and are finalizing plans for other insurance
services through Liberty Mutual.
7. National Promotions: We recently finished our first promotional activity, with
our most detailed car of 2004 poll, this was picked up by several magazines , and
will be even bigger next year. We will also be working with detailers and their own
local media to promote professional detailing in the next year in association with
some of our supplier members.
8. We are also making some promotional items for detailers to use with their own
customers including a quarterly news letter that our members can send to their own
customers either by e-mail or by regular mail.
9. Your business listed in our "find a detailer" section.
10. Discounted car rental through Avis . Save over $50.00 on becoming a member of
Avis Preferred , and get 5-10 % off of published rates.</HTML>
Re: Updating this website
February 12, 2006 09:56PM
<HTML>Thanks for asking. The two attachments above reflect Member Benefits for Detailers who join and explain the provisional by-laws.

In a nutshell for many years you have created, promoted and encourage a forum an environment if you will ..where professional detailers, novices, auto enthusiasts or other like minded individuals have gathered together and exchanged ideas. While you may not realize this some of our industry's most respected consultants are participants Bud A. and Steve Okun.

As you are aware our industry is badly in need of voice that can create standards for this industry, the idea has been discussed for many years but two men on this forum turned the idea into reality by establishing the organization and now we have about 100 registered members, while the actual organization is is hosted on the mobileworks forum site...most of us have continued to carry our discussion here and have not left in favor of another forum. It is a venue for another discussion. I would suggest you peruse the site at mobileworks.com and look at their presentation it not that their site is better rather different.

Perhaps we were remiss in not including you earlier or asking your opinion but now that you seem responsive, perhaps your site can change to reflect this growing industry and our demand for information, visibillity and a more professional face. Many of us who have been in this industry for years I am sure will continue to be here but we require a more pro-active input from you so that the forum can flourish and inspire and attract more positive discussions.

One of the features that I like is that Detailers from Spain and Egypt have visited and we have been able to exchange ideas and have positive dialouge.

So I hope the fact that the PDTA is in on another forum would not disuade you from joining us, encouraging us, helping us.. after all you are a fellow auto enthusiast and if we look at the bigger picture it will be a win-win situation for all of us. By the way membership fee is $75.00

I really look forward to any ideas you might have to help us grow on a more national level, more visibility etc.

thanks for your interest</HTML>
Re: Updating this website
February 13, 2006 03:41PM

I have to believe that the hard work you just did in putting up the goals and means of the PDTA will do great things to aid in education of fellow detailers.

These posts will allow them to see just how professional detailers can be part of a great organization, which down the road is going to be of real benefit to all profesionals.


Do it right or don't do it at all!
How much water?
February 13, 2006 10:08PM
<HTML>What's the average amount H2O does one use in detailing a car. I have a 110 tank and was trying to see how many cars that I can wash? Reggie</HTML>
Re: How much water?
February 14, 2006 12:12AM
<HTML>"What's the average amount H2O does one use in detailing a car. I have a 110 tank and was trying to see how many cars that I can wash? "

That depends. If it is hot outside and you end up drinking half then you will need a bigger tank.</HTML>


Plays in the rain --- www.SuperiorShineDetailing.com
<b>Re: Updating this website</b>
February 14, 2006 05:05AM

>> some of our industry's most respected consultants are participants Bud A. and Steve Okun.
While I don't read the forum as much as I'd like to or should, I have been impressed with the qualifications and positive contributions made by Bud and Steve along with many others.

I wasn't aware of the PDTA! I wish you luck on your endeavors. Toward that end I've put a banner and link at the top of the listing page.

It's odd in a way, as I started the detailing web site as a way to pass along tips from one DIYer to others. I've been quite amazed to see professionals taking to the site and the message board. I've gained a real respect for the profession! Don't let the boss at my day job know how hard you guys work, he'll expect about half the effort from me. What would I do?

Along those lines, perhaps you and others could do me a favor. I get a lot of emails along the lines of "I'm thinking of getting into the business" and with those people in mind, I created the <a href="[www.web-cars.com] as a Business</a> page. What do you think of the advice offered? Comments, criticisms, etc. would be welcome!


Paul Pollock
WebCars! Webmaster
Re: Updating this website
February 14, 2006 05:44PM
Dear Mr. Webmaster:

On behalf of my fellow professional detailers and the PDTA I would like to thank you for generosity and your spirit of cooperation in helping us display the official logo of our organization on your site.

It will be a beacon to all who visit here, that your forum exemplifies professional growth and standards of excellence.

I will in the coming days offer you my suggestions for your detailing page.

Again, my sincere appreciation for your support.</HTML>
Re: Updating this website
February 15, 2006 03:30AM
<HTML>>> An opening statement which encourages people to do a search or a query before they ask the same redundant questions
A good idea, so I added a note at the beginning of the listing page.

I used to go to a very busy forum where one of the regualars decided to write an FAQ.
After that, anytime anybody asked a question, the answer was "see the FAQ".
It killed the forum stone dead in a matter of weeks.

Old questions tend to generate new discussions.

<a href="[www.clean-image.co.uk]; target="_blank"><font size="1" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">Clean Image Car Valeting - Auto detailing in the UK. </font></a></HTML>
Re: Updating this website
February 15, 2006 02:25PM

Thanks for adding the PDTA logo to the site.

It is folks like yourself that are invaluable to the industry, helping the association become known and provide needed changes to the detailing industry.


Do it right or don't do it at all!
Re: Updating this website
February 23, 2006 08:20PM
<HTML>A great many thanks! Its the first thing you see when the page loads!</HTML>

Take care,

Precision Auto & Marine

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