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A question with no answer

Posted by billd55 
A question with no answer
May 31, 2011 01:27PM
Removing light to moderate swirls
I have a Acura 2007 TL (soft paint) and I tried removing swirl marks with ultimate compound twice. I have no pictures since it was cloudy today and the iPhone 4 really doesn't pick up on scratches/swirls real well.

In full detail I:
Clayed, polished (UC), waxed, waxed, polished, and waxed again. The swirls now are dramatically less abundant but I'm still a little bit away from the results I want.

I figured I was using a too aggressive polish from reading multiple threads. I saw Mike Phillip's thread on using M83 and then #80 and I think that might be the answer.

But I'm looking for alternatives from Chemical Guys (I'm buying some 4" hexagon pads from there soon) and would like to save on shipping/time. Does anyone recommend any polishes, sealants, or swirl remover products from them?

I'm trying to save a bit of money here... thanks for any help.

This is why I keep posting. This guy is searching for a solution, and I am the
person who is : "if given the oppurtunity would ruin the industry more than he most likely has already been allowed to do"
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