November 29, 2011 06:21AM
Following up on Gina's email about the customer being wrong this post talks about what to do when the customer is "wrong."

We all know the old adage "the customer is always right.

And, we have all had customers who work the heck out of the "always right" philosophy to manipulate you into giving them what they want.

So what do you do when you know, absolutely the customer is wrong?

First, let's change the old adage to a newer one, "The customer may not always be right, BUT they are always the customer."

The natural inclination we all have is to defend or justify ourselves wgeb a customer starts complaining, especially when we know they are wrong.

First and foremost let them rant and rave, don't contradict them or try to interupt. Try these steps:

1. After they are finished ranting and raving, THANK THEM of letting you know that something is not right. Think about it these are good customers, bad customers don't complain to you, they complain and badmouth you to their relatives, friends and neighbors, or worse on the internet, Facebook and Linkedin.

2. APOLOGIZE for their dissatisfaction. This is not an admission of anything, you are simply apologizing that they had to call you, come back, etc to complain about the detail service.

3. REASSURE the customer by stating, "I am personally going to do everything I possibly can to resolve your concerns. In most cases you are going to do that, aren't you? So tell them. The key is to "take ownership" of the customer's complaint, this is incredibly reassuring.

I recall a few years ago that a customer came in ranting and raving that his car wash promised at such and such a time and it was not done and he had to come back, etc. etc. He was carrying on and on and finally I toolk possession of the concern and said to him, "Sir, sir, sir, (was not not listening to me), what can I do to make things right for you?" He was kind of stunned by the question, he hesitated and said, "give me back my money." I said, "no problem." Took him in the office and gave him back his money, $165 at I recall.

He more or less thanked me but I got a letter from him telling me what a wonderful business we were and how much he appreciated my effort to solve his problem without arguing with him. He committed to come back and to tell his friends, relatives how well he was treated at DETAIL PLUS.

Remember when dealing with an upset customer you have got to "knock the air out of them." You can do that by using these 3 steps.

Get the customer quieted down and you can calmly interview them and, then, of course, fix any problems.

Try this I am sure you will find it works.

Bud Abraham
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