ideas on presentation
February 11, 2002 01:29PM
Hi guys, this weekend I have a great opportunity and i wanted some imput. Right next door to our detail shop their is a LifeTime Fitness center which has 10,000 members! After having 2-3 meetings with the manager, I finally was granted authorization to set up a booth this Sat to display and talk about our detail services. I'M EXCITED AS HELL! (yes, i was yelling) If this deal goes through, every car that comes in our shop from this cneter I'll get a commision on. But what I'm really excited about is that I get to talk to people about detailing cars. I plan on putting pictures on display with some of the cars I've done. I will have a sheet for people to write their name, address and phone number if they think having their car detailed while they worked out would be a service they would like. I will offer a discount on interior and exterior packages. I will have info to pass out on what we do. I got Turtle Wax to provide all kinds of free stuff like water bottles and such. Also free coupons for free car washes. I wanted to have a drawing of some kind for a free detail. any ideas of how I could arranage that one? Here are some of the slogans I thought of for my posters. "We care about your car" Have your care detailed while you work out". Thanks turbomangt........

Re: ideas on presentation
February 11, 2002 01:51PM
Drain your fishbowl & wipe it out really good, have the members place their business cards in it while they check in & have a member on the day of your presentation pick out a card for the drawing. Is it magic? no, smart? Yes! Good Luck with your new venture. You should have door prizes too, such as energy bars, suntan lotion & etc.
Re: ideas on presentation
February 11, 2002 02:26PM
Todd, great idea with the drawing! Thanks!

Re: ideas on presentation
February 13, 2002 02:31AM
Im actually doing the same thing with a gym that i go to. I did the detail drawing but it was a 1 dollar raffle or a toythat was then donated to the salvation army worked out pretty well for everyone, created customers forme, the winner got a detail for a buck and money and toys whre donated for kids so good luck
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