Bacteria In Cars
September 17, 2008 02:12AM
Here's a link about a study that found a lot of bacteria in cars, especially those that carried pets and kids .
Sanitizing cars is a valuable function of detailing. Also, bacteria can pose a risk to the detailer, which masks, gloves and hand washing will minimize .


" The study, conducted for, found British motorists spend more than three years of their life behind the wheel and over a quarter eat there every week.

One in four of 1,376 car owners polled said their car is littered with food wrappers and empty drink bottles, while one in six admitted to regularly leaving uneaten food in their vehicle.

Half of the drivers admitted the standard of cleanliness in their car left much to be desired and they would never let their home get into the same condition.

The study also found a strong correlation between the mileage of the car and the bacterial and fungal air quality.

The researchers said that when air and heater blowers are switched on, the number of airborne bacteria and fungi significantly increases, especially in older cars, which are less likely to have air filters. "


Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 05/07/2009 05:43PM by Doug Delmont.
Re: Bacteria In Cars
December 11, 2008 05:53PM
HI GUYS AND GALS, i always use the cleansing handi wipes you get at walmart at the checkout stand(last minute grab stuff) there great for spills or dog drouls etc.
also after fueling i also have a diesel truck.
called WET ONES antibacterial wipes about $.94cents
take care
Re: Bacteria In Cars
December 14, 2008 05:20PM
I've also read that you should wipe your cell phone and computer mouse frequently with those wipes .

[edit] Steering wheels and shift levers are prime places for bacteria to collect and be spread to others. Floor mats are like any other floor, filthy.


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/07/2009 05:47PM by Doug Delmont.
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